
In the past few years, every Oil and Gas industry has evolved and so does their operation standards. When considering their techniques, drilling has a huge role to play. As a matter of fact, their drill pipes also need to maintain excellent performance and efficiency. This is when the OCTG and drill pipe inspection become important.


Non-Destructive Testing methods have become common with innovation and advancement in technology. Now, what do you mean by Non-Destructive Testing? NDT or Non-Destructive Testing involves techniques that are used to inspect materials and components without causing them any defects or flaws. In this blog, we will discuss one of the important Non-Destructive Testing called Magnetic Particle Inspection also known as Magnetic Particle Testing. In this blog, we will discuss one of the important Non-Destructive Testing called Magnetic Particle Inspection also known as Magnetic Particle Testing.


Inspections or Testing are quite common in various industry sectors including Oil and Gas, Construction, Automotive, Aerospace, Mining, Fabrication, Rail and Power Generation. But some technology used in such processes tends to cause damage to the parts or materials that are being tested. Now, new cutting-edge techniques are implemented by industries to eliminate such risks, thanks to the evolution of technology. This includes Non-Destructive Testing.


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Doha Qatar


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